20th April 2020
Hi all,
Hope you are all keeping well during these stressful times.
It is quite weird it’s like I have woken up and everyone is living like I have over the last few years. That’s what happens when you are ill and everyone else can carry on, not anyone’s fault just that is life. Just because I stopped, I couldn’t expect everyone else to stop with me.
If there is anything I can do for anyone please let me know either via text or call on 07700363743 or my email address a_fromager@hotmail.com
I am not sure what everyone else has been told and I am finding it very confusing. CDC in America class me as high risk yet over here I am not. So much information out there almost too much. I am scared about this virus and I worry about my family and friends.
I wondered how everyone is coping with the lockdown and know I am finding it hard never mind someone who is used to working everyday to just suddenly stop.
We must remember our Grandparents had 5 years of being on lockdown in Jersey with little food and no rights so I think we can do it. Remember there is support out there if you need it and I will try to help where I can.
So, at present I am suffering low blood pressure and chronic IBS. It has been IBS-D at times, and I am sure its just stress related. I have stopped watching too much news and have been crafting more. I am so glad I have crafts to do during this unprecedented time. I am still following the States Assembly and think they have such a hard job at present (they can’t please everyone). I also want to say thank you to all our frontline staff who are keeping our little island running.
I have had slightly good news apparently the inflammation in my blood tests has slightly come down. So, it looks like the Behcets is being managed for now. Just need to work on the Addison’s and Dercum’s now and the IBS.
So apart from crafting I have been writing again I have another poem book and I am trying to write about my health journey. I must admit the health journey I am finding hard. I keep jumping from one condition to the next. Some of the autoimmune diseases merge with the symptoms. I have also been doing chair yoga as I am fed up with being obese and not able to walk far even with a stick. I know it’s going to be hard as I am on steroids and the Dercum’s increases your fat in certain parts of your body and slows your metabolic system.
I do hope you are all as okay as you can be. Remember if you need anything just contact me and I will try to help.
Take care
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Thank you Alison for getting up and doing something especially when it must often feel like the last thing you want to do