10. Oct, 2018

10th October 2018

Hi All,

Hope you are all keeping well.  Now winter is on its way it's a time to prepare for the AR.  

It's been so busy I have been learning how to build an app and now learning crochet.  

I have now uploaded my presentations that I gave to the hospital, sorry for the delay.

Well I am still muddling on each day is different.  I never know which part of my body is going to be affected.  I am now currently under the Pain Clinic will keep you posted on any updates for this.  It's a slow process but hoping there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

My IBS is so weird it is now going from over to under.  It was always over active.  

The Dercums is making blood tests harder.  I have bloods done every month but due to the swelling it's hard to find the veins.  My lymphedema is okay I am in knee high stocking which has helped greatly.  I don't have a skin infection now (this was due to the swelling).  I still have swelling but it's under control.  Shame the same treatment couldn't work on the Dercum's. 

I have had bad bouts of sudden fatigue.  I just lay down and sleep.  I have learned not to fight this as it makes everything worse.  I am not sure if this is the Addison's or the Dercum's doing this....  I still eat salt just crave it and crave salty foods.  

The Behcets seems to be managed at the moment.  I am hoping this holds up as I am enjoying the crochet.  The Behcets has affected my hands and mouth.  

I am still making cards and crafting when I get a chance.  Recently had to move out for a week for building work so now back at home and catching up.  

My book I am trying to market is not going so well.  I have contacted every media over here and yet waiting for a response.  It's quite frustrating really, I know it's not a big news story but to get no response at all.  Keeping my fingers crossed someone over here will be interested.  I have had great reviews from Canada and America.  

Well back to the crochet of a little bit.  Do hope you are all keeping well and thank you for your support.

Motto:  I will get there in the end it just takes me a little longer