6. Aug, 2018

6th August 2018

Hi All,

Sorry so busy lately with appointments, making cards and trying to market my book.  I must say marketing my book has been hard.  I have emailed every press business here but have had no response yet.  I am thinking of contacting businesses in the UK and see if I at least get a response.  It is hard to try to market when you are house-bound.  Any ideas anyone?

Well I have had a pain day induction which was really interesting and now waiting to see the team at the pain clinic.  It was worth going and seeing other people on the course and seeing what the team do.

My presentation at the hospital went well, I was so nervous but it was really informative I think for both parties.  Everyone was able to ask questions and I hope I get the opportunity to do this again. 

I thought the heat might make things a little easier but not so.  IBS is still uncontrollable and now trying pro biotic drinks.  I am still not eating before I go out which is not ideal really especially if the appointment is not till late afternoon. 

My legs are in stockings now and what a difference the swelling is down on the lymphedema.  The Dercums swelling will not change with the stockings.  The stockings are like putting a wet suit on but once they are on they are comfortable.

I am trying the vibration plate which is interesting.  It is quite weird standing there while this rocks you.  I think I have felt a little difference but not sure if that is the stockings or both things working.  I do the vibration plate every other day as I do not want to overdo things and end up bedridden.  Small changes hopefully I will learn chair yoga or bed yoga next.

I have been busy making cards and have a collection now I can sell now just need to find where I can sell them from. 

I am due to see a consultant in September and will check what my CRP levels are.  I am still taking Turmeric one daily it will be interesting to see if there is any change. 

I will upload my presentation on to a new page so if anyone would like to read it.

Thank you for reading and supporting this page.

Motto: Never give up you will get there in the end