12. Feb, 2018

12th February 2018

Hi All,

Back again with yet more updates so much going on here sorry for the delay in updating everyone.

I have been left quite frustrated by the system we have and how some people seem to judge on how we look and assume that because I am big that I must eat all day every day.  This is not true as I don't eat before going out just in case it triggers the IBS which sometimes means I don't eat until tea time.  Sorry vent over with.

The weather has really effected the conditions ranging from pain in the bones and pain in the mussels.  I am craving salt a lot also to the point I am eating this out of my hand so know the Addisons is also playing up.

I have read a great book about Addisons and highly recommend it - Addison's Disease by John Hewitt, M.A.  If you would like to borrow the book, please contact me I will arrange this.

Although I have placed an advert in the paper for work I have not received any response as yet but still keeping a positive in hoping a response is in the post.  Seems quite mad that I have all this knowledge and not able to share it or do anything with it.

I have also now sent letters to every doctor’s surgery in hope in highlighting my conditions suggesting that if they are interested I could come in and talk about how it affects affects me. Hopefully there is an uptake on this.  I do think the more we promote autoimmune diseases the more possibly invested in finding treatments and possible cure.

I do hope everyone is keeping well or as well as can be expected.  I must admit I cannot  wait for spring and summer.  

Motto:  Don't give up on fighting, little steps make many big ones eventually.