25. May, 2015

24th May 2015

I am writing to thank everyone so far who has contacted me in reference to the article in the Jersey Evening Post.  Also thank you to the Jersey Evening Post in publishing about my website and health issues and raising awareness for Behcet's on the 20th May.

It has been a mad week had to go to London for my son all ok but it takes it out of me.  Legs became very itchy again and red raw.  I feel like staying in bed but not really wanting to give in, so I pottered.  Little steps I keep saying as I take each day as it comes.

I have also become tanned on my hands and have a line where it is different colour on my forehead.  I am not sure if this is to do with lack of sleep.  I have now stopped one of my medication under the doctor’s orders.  Yippee one less to take daily now down to minimum 15 tablets daily.  Depending on pain that is on a good day as I am not including all pain meds.

I have found a hospital in London which specialises in Autoimmune Diseases and I hope to be referred to this once I have seen the consultant here.  They would review me and then instruct our hospital on how to manage my conditions.  I think the hardest part of this is learning and understanding what it causing what to my body.  I don't feel me anymore and I find this the hardest of all.  I have become the conditions and I will fight this as much as I can. 

Well now going to send letters to company’s locally and see if they will put so leaflets on their noticeboards.  Again if anyone knows of any company that can put any up please contact me via email on a_fromager@hotmail.com

Motto:  Don't give u the fight we will win in the end even if it takes a long time to get there.