9th April 2015 New Beginings
Well the last few weeks have been hard... I am now in my new home still unpacking as I am limited in what I can do. I try not to push myself too hard as it takes it out of me for the next couple of days. Learning to pace myself is hard, in good moments you can do too much and pay the price later.
I have now taken a picture of the lump on my back / neck. This has become extremely painful and feel like I have whiplash most days. Now also right lower arm has become swollen for no apparent reason and is also painful. Needless to say the legs are not much better off either. Thankfully I still have a sense of humour and, although I struggle I still try to find a brighter way of looking at things. Even on occasions laughing.
I now have a couple of posters which I hope to put up to raise awareness of this site in hope maybe a support group could be started for people like me here in Jersey. Finding someone out there with the same problems supporting each other. I thank everyone so far for looking at my website and again thank you for passing this on to other people. The more people who see this the better in hope that this reaches other people how are supporting people that are ill, or are of ill health themselves.
I am still concerned about the Vitamin D Deficiency and how long I have been like this. I am due to see the doctor with many questions. Remember your health is in your hands and no matter how small the question is to them it is big to us. I think it is important to write things down before you go in, if I do not do this I simply forget. Apart from that massive headaches which come and go, not sure what it causing this could simply be the whiplash feeling creeping up and causing more pain.
Well last note is the itch on my feet which only started on one. This has now spread and seems to be something to do with the BD. I am no expert of cause, I will also raise this with the doctor. The itch is unlike anything I have experience before, it quite feels like ants running over the area (Yuck).
I have now started having reflexology, this does make a difference even for a while. Luckily the nice lady does this in your own home so when you are not feeling quite right this makes a lot of sense. Sometimes is a logistical nightmare to leave the home. If anyone would like more info on this please email me directly and I can forward the details.
Sorry everyone I have not updated for a while just with the house move and still unpacking (boxes looking at me still). I do hope everyone is keeping well and pain free.
Motto: Rome wasn't built in one day. Take little steps as they all count.
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Thank you Alison for getting up and doing something especially when it must often feel like the last thing you want to do