27. Dec, 2014

The after-shock of Christmas 2014

Well not much I can say about Christmas just surprised at the lack of phone calls to someone who is distressed, not even a merry Christmas.  How many other suffers get forgotten.  Thankfully my FB friend Mark was totally there for me in my time of need, thank you Mark you are a true star.

I do hope everyone managed to have the best day they could depending on health.  I even struggled to put a tree up this year I couldn't manage the lovely lights we normally put up either.

Now it's getting colder hands are really hurting.  My mouth is dry which is horrible (Behcets) and my legs clonking as a walk with sticks.  BP has been as low as 86/58 (does anyone else have this happen?) I have looked this up apparently this could be the Addison’s disease and I have been tanned looking lately.  

Well the most important and meaningful gift was what my son purchased me from a charity shop so touched and it's just what I like and I will put gems on this as a little project.

I just wish I could be the person before all this took over me.  I would be the first person to help someone.  All I ask in reading this that people think of a loved one or friend and pick up that phone or see them.  I know I don't see anyone and isolation with pain and living with disease is a lot to take on with little support.

I have put this picture up of my son with Twilight Sparkle getting his treats on Christmas day my from my sons his knee.  Although he has Asperger’s and I have my problems our cats treat us with love.

Do hope everyone had a nice Christmas and Boxing Day.  I hope everyone has a brilliant New Year and a better 2015 for everyone.