11. Nov, 2014

10th November 2014

Well interesting day struggled with everything.  Had to take the cat to the vets for injections but felt awful didn't think I was going to make it.  I did make it.  Full of head cold and my legs and back are on a pain scale of 10 out of 10.  

I do dread winter just makes everything worse.  

Well I did also force myself to make cards for Christmas and although it has taken me longer to do them I feel like I have at least achieved something.

I know my Addisons is playing up yet again hands tanned.  I feel like I can't concentrate (brain fog) and feel fatigued.  Just a normal day really lol....  I do think sometimes you have to laugh it off although it is hard sometimes to do that.

My motto today: If you hit a brick wall then go round it or if you are strong enough push through it mentally.