Story so far
Well in 2005 I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia. I ploded on until 2010 when two blood clots hit my lung. In 2011 after seeing another consultant he confirmed I have Behcets and Addisons Diseases, finally another year or so later I was diagnosed with Dercums Disease and IBS.
Now I am unable to work (frustrating), being that I am only 42 years old. I did work up to 2012 when I finally said "HELP!". Now when I see myself I am not the person I was I do not recognise me from being healthy and fit to now clased as big (hate the word obese).
I have posted photos of me before and now so you can see the differences yourself and hope if anyone wants to share any helpful hints / lotions or potions please feel free to contact me. It is very important to have a good sense of hummor. I am lucky I have a great son who keeps me fighting these disease's. He also has the gift of making people smile (my hero).
It is strange my brain says work but the body says not. Being so independent always on the go, to having to rely on strangers for help (that was a weird one for me). Pride is a funny thing it doesn't really do you much good unless you have pride in your work.
Well enough of me today small doses I think and maybe a joke of two to make other people smile or have a giggle. I might say it has made me look at life in a different way (it could be worse I suppose..), take each day as it comes. I will post "funny my life stories" along with the fund raising page that I have trying to purchase a cyclo-ssage so that I can have some treatment for the pain and swelling and one purchased will offer this free to other suffers where I live.
Thank you for reading this, and hope you are all keeping well,
My motto is: A laugh a day keeps the doctor at bay.
My aim is: to reach as many people as I can.
For People really struggling: I will send you a secial card hand made and with a message inside (just email me your request and where to post to via email).
This is my link for fund raising: (I am a fund raising virgin - a first time of everything :)
Elaine Hanning
Thank you Alison for getting up and doing something especially when it must often feel like the last thing you want to do